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When a Punchline Delivers A Black Eye (or ‘How to Choose the Right Comedian for Your Corporate Event’)

The event planner stood trembling in the wings as the comedian she had contracted for the closing night of the sales conference left the stage. The smattering of applause following his set paled next to the deafening silence offered up by the 6200 other attendees. 

“What just happened out there?! I thought we talked about this! Our team asked you to keep it clean. That there were families in the audience! Our CEO! His wife!! His kids!!”

This comedian was very well-known. He had been on national television. He had been on syndicated shows. And his name has been omitted here to protect the innocent. And the guilty…

So what went wrong? The comedian went off-script, delivering material far from the “clean humor” the company had requested.

And that's why hiring the right comedian for your corporate event isn't just about booking a famous name; it’s about making sure the entertainment fits your audience and company culture, ensuring you get laughter--not awkward silence.

Why Clean Humor Matters in Corporate Event Settings

Corporate events are often attended by employees, executives, clients, and their families. The goal here is to entertain, engage, and perhaps celebrate milestones—but always with respect to the professional setting.

A common mistake is hiring a comedian based solely on their fame or TV appearances, assuming they can adapt their material to any audience. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. And just because a comedian is hilarious on a late-night show doesn’t mean their humor will resonate at a corporate function.

Inappropriate jokes, off-color humor, or anything that crosses the line can not only offend but also harm your company’s reputation. An event meant to be fun and relaxing can quickly turn into a PR nightmare if the entertainment doesn’t align with your company’s values.

Case in Point: The Insult Comedian That Went Wrong

Take the example of the event planner from earlier. I have told this story many times in the past and offered it as a cautionary tale.  

As someone who has written comedy and run several corporate entertainment and marketing companies over the last 35 years, I have learned, sometimes painfully, that what plays for one audience, does not necessarily play for another.

Tailoring Entertainment to Fit Your Audience

Here at Magnet Productions, we understand that entertainment needs to match the tone and goals of the event. Whether it’s through magic tricks, comedy, or interactive performances, everything we produce serves a purpose: to connect with the audience and reinforce the message our clients want to communicate.

We’ve also learned from experience that not all comedians are suitable for corporate settings. Booking a raunchy comedian for The National Council of Churches' Annual Conference would not exactly guarantee a successful event.  Instead, we would offer options of clean, clever performers  that can deliver a punch without stepping on any toes.  

How to Choose the Right Comedian for Corporate Event

Know Your Audience

Before you book that comedian, take a moment to think about who's coming to the event. Are they your team, clients, or a mix of both? Will there be families in attendance?  Identifying your audience will help you find the perfect entertainer.

Review the Comedian’s Material

Now, just because a comedian is famous doesn’t mean they can easily switch up their act for your event. Reach out and ask to see some videos of their corporate gigs, get recommendations from their previous clients.  Or simply have a chat with them beforehand to go over what you’re looking for.

It’s critical that their style is in synch with your audience’s expectations. 

Steer Clear of Edgy or Offensive Stuff

When planning a family-friendly or formal event, it’s best to skip comedians who are all about controversial or offensive jokes or strong political humor. Remember, the goal here is to get people laughing--not to make them run for the exits.   

Consider the Event’s Purpose

So, what's the vibe of your event? Are you celebrating a big company milestone, launching a cool new product, or wrapping up the year? Whatever it is, you want a comedian whose jokes fit the theme.

Team Up with the Experts

Here at Magnet Productions, we’re all about corporate entertainment. We've got a great lineup of comedians who know how to bring the laughs while keeping it professional. All of them have decades of experience performing at corporate events and know how to strike that perfect balance.  And if requested, they will customize their routines for you - adding that ‘personal touch,’ will go a long way to bringing your audience together.

Why Choose Magnet Productions Infotainment? The Best of Both Worlds

Yes, we’re not just about getting people to laugh here—we also want to make sure that laughter actually means something.

Our infotainment style mixes humor with information, so you get entertained while still catching the important messages you want to share.

Say you're thinking about firing up your sales team or showcasing a new product--we can weave those messages right into a comedian's act! This way, the laughs help break the ice and make sure everyone walks away remembering the main points from your event.

From comedians to magicians to game show hosts, we’ve got you covered. Our performers understand the unique dynamics of a corporate audience and know how to keep things light, professional, and most importantly—fun.

And when you work with us, you can rest assured that your event will go off without a hitch, and no matter how good that punc line is, no one will leave with a black eye.

Looking to book the perfect comedian for your next corporate event?

Contact Us Today and let us help you find the perfect match for your audience!

“Laughter connects us all; it’s the universal language of joy.” John Cleese


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