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Think ‘Small’ at Your Next Trade Show

man speaking to a crowd in trade show

When it comes to trade shows, size doesn’t always matter. In fact, thinking small can be a game-changer for your business. Companies get large booths because it’s a status thing–”Look how big we are!” Well, that model just doesn’t work anymore. It’s not essential and it’s not cost-effective.

You don’t need to invest in a massive space to get noticed—sometimes, a small trade show booth can make an even bigger impact. You can use a small space to reduce your costs while keeping your booth packed with people.  And THAT will attract much more attention.

Why Smaller Can Be Better at Trade Shows

Cost Efficiency

Opting for a smaller booth can really help you cut costs.  For example, at $30/square foot, a 30x30 booth will cost $27,000.00 for the space alone.  Reduce that to a 20x20 and you can cut that expense by $15,000.00.  This leaves budget dollars available for promotional items, staff training, or a crowd-stopping live presentation.. 

Increased Foot Traffic 

You might be surprised, but a smaller booth can actually grab more attention!

Think about it like this: People will always cram into the smallest room at a party. The same psychology exists at a tradeshow. There’s nothing more depressing than a 50x50 space with four people walking around … when three of them are the exhibitors.

When you have a 10x10 and people are bumping into each other and crowding around a single kiosk or a single monitor to watch a demo, that creates a wow factor and the impression that “there’s something really exciting going on at that company!” 

Better Engagement

Smaller spaces really create a cozy vibe, making it easier for everyone to connect one-on-one. This also lets your team bond with visitors personally, leading to more meaningful chats and higher-quality leads.

Tips to Maximize Your Small Trade Show Booth

Focus on Design and Layout

When you're working with limited space, every inch really counts! So start by thinking about your booth design with a clear focus in mind. 

And instead of cluttering things up, go for a clean, minimalist vibe. You can also use vertical space with banners, shelves, or some digital displays to make it feel larger without making it feel cramped. Also, put your most eye-catching product or feature facing the aisles to immediately grab attention!

Create an Experience

Who says a small booth has to be boring? It should be anything but!

Live Presentations: How about a live demo or product showcase? You can easily set this up on a small stage or riser, and it’ll naturally draw a crowd.

Interactive Displays: Make it engaging with touchscreens, virtual reality, or even interactive games. These features will keep visitors around longer and give them a reason to remember your brand.

Unique Giveaways: Giveaways are a classic trade show move, but you can definitely stand out by offering something a little different. Think custom-branded items that are useful, fun, or just plain unexpected to keep the buzz going!

Train Your Staff to Shine 

three women staff smiling in trade show

Even the coolest booth design won’t make an impact if your staff isn’t on point. They should be ready to welcome attendees, answer questions, and have some engaging chats! 

And in your smaller space, booth staff training becomes even more crucial since there’s less room for just hanging back. Encourage your team to take the initiative—start conversations, ask questions, explain your products or services, and gather leads. Each person should understand their role and feel comfortable working in a busy, tight spot.

Real-Life Example: Success from a Small Space

At a recent trade show, a client of ours opted for a small 10x10 booth rather than splurging on a larger space. So yes, they didn’t have a theater.

And as the live presenter I was standing on a small riser at the very edge of the booth doing podium presentations, pulling in anywhere from 10-60 people per show. They would then enter the booth, get their badges scanned and some would hang around and talk to our booth staff.

Our client for a three-day trade show got around 2,000 leads. And considering the size of the booth, they paid a heck of a lot less for their leads than the much larger booth next door.  And they got a lot more bang for their buck.

Make a Big Impact with a Small Footprint

By focusing on interactivity, strategic design, and exceptional staff engagement, your small booth can make a significant splash and deliver a high return on investment. Remember, it’s not about the size of your booth--it’s about the size of the impression you make.

Start small, think big, and watch your success grow!

PS - Curious about all the costs associated with a trade show booth?  Here’s a great piece by ProExhibits.  Yes, it’s from 2018, but all the pieces still apply.  They just cost more…


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